Opening attracted many guests
The castle gates were opened at the Riegersburg Opening and the 2023 season was ceremoniously launched. The many attractions and culinary delights were well received by the guests.
Such a day trip to the Riegersburg should be well planned. After all, preparation is everything!
You don't want to miss anything and want to explore every last corner of the castle. Here you will find all the information about our opening times, current guided tours, our ticket prices and what news we have at the moment.
If you have any questions, please contact us by per email or by telephone under+43 3153 82 13.
The castle gates were opened at the Riegersburg Opening and the 2023 season was ceremoniously launched. The many attractions and culinary delights were well received by the guests.
At the "Riegersburg Opening" on April 1, 2023, many attractions and culinary delights await you at the spring awakening at Riegersburg Castle!
Many visitors enjoyed the regional delicacies in the castle tavern and enjoyed the beautiful autumn weather.
In den heurigen Herbstferien laden wir wieder von Freitag, 28. Oktober bis Sonntag 30. Oktober 2022 zu frisch zubereiteten Kastanien und Sturm in unsere Burgtaverne.
On September 24, the 35th anniversary of the bird of prey station was celebrated with best weather and many visitors.
On the nights of the full moon there were again many attractions: Knight sword fights, court gossip, knight wedding, knight training for children, knight tournament and much more.
You can expect an extensive program with knights, show fights, live music, children's program and much more. More information will follow. Tickets available at:
Official opening of the exhibition "20 years of the Liechtenstein family" with honorary guests and representatives of the press. The special exhibition is open now for all visitors!
With the RIEGERSBURG OPENING on April 2, 2022 we welcome the spring together! Great attractions are waiting for the whole family!
Hier sehen Sie ein Livebild unserer Webcam, die auf den Burgmauern des ersten Burggrabens – direkt auf der Riegersburg – montiert ist.
Über den Link können Sie einen Blick direkt auf unsere Wetterstation werfen, die ihre Daten auch auf den Mauern der Riegersburg abnimmt. Die Plattform der Wettersation zeigt Ihnen stets die aktuellen Wetterdaten wie Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Wind usw.