Big crowd at the opening
Over 2,000 guests celebrated the start of the new season at the Riegersburg Opening 2024. Numerous attractions delighted young and old alike.
Such a day trip to the Riegersburg should be well planned. After all, preparation is everything!
You don't want to miss anything and want to explore every last corner of the castle. Here you will find all the information about our opening times, current guided tours, our ticket prices and what news we have at the moment.
If you have any questions, please contact us by per email or by telephone under+43 3153 82 13.
Over 2,000 guests celebrated the start of the new season at the Riegersburg Opening 2024. Numerous attractions delighted young and old alike.
With the Riegersburg Opening on March 23, 2024, we welcome spring together in Thermen- & Vulkanland!
In beautiful fall weather, numerous visitors enjoyed delicious chestnuts and the delicious "Sturm" from the region.
On Saturday, Sunday and National Day in October we invite you to enjoy freshly prepared chestnuts and storm in our castle tavern.
The winners of the painting competition have been announced! Thank you very much for the great submissions, it was very difficult to choose three winning pictures!
Our 2023 drawing competition for children aged 6-12 is entering its third round! This year's theme: "Rüdiger and the flower witch". Once again great
On the first full-moon night in July, many guests flocked to the castle hill to marvel at the numerous performances and enjoy the culinary specialties.
There will be two FULL MOON NIGHTS again this year. There will again be an extensive program with knights, show fights, live music, children's program and much more.
Die Sonderausstellung „200 Jahre Familie Liechtenstein (1822-2022)“ zwischen 1. und 2. Brücke kann noch bis Saisonende 2023 besucht werden.
Hier sehen Sie ein Livebild unserer Webcam, die auf den Burgmauern des ersten Burggrabens – direkt auf der Riegersburg – montiert ist.
Über den Link können Sie einen Blick direkt auf unsere Wetterstation werfen, die ihre Daten auch auf den Mauern der Riegersburg abnimmt. Die Plattform der Wettersation zeigt Ihnen stets die aktuellen Wetterdaten wie Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Wind usw.